There is old Japanese saying that “One cup of water every morning, keeps your health for the whole day”. Every medical doctor advises people to drink 6 – 8 cups of water every day. But, does every kind of water have the same effect? Of course not! The standard for good water given by the World Health Organization is:
- Free of germ, organic matter, heavy metal, etc.
- Containment of suitable percentage of minerals and micro elements
- ionized status for easy absorption by human body
- small molecules for easy absorption and cleaning of intestinal canals
- mild alkaline pH value (pH 8 – 9.5) for raising the alkalinity of body tissues and blood in human (acidity of body tissues and blood is the root cause of many diseases).
However, do tap water, bottled water, pail water and water from domestic filter really meet all these standards? The answer is of course “NEGATIVE”. More importantly, if we are going to drink “Good Water”, it should be Alkaline Ionized Drinking Water, and only SAKIYO Alkaline Ionized Drinking Water.